An online awareness campaign offered by College of Pharmacy in cooperation with Pharmacy Students Association at Alfaisal University, whose aim is to educate our community on correct use of drugs and to provide facts related to new COVID-19 vaccines.

On Thursday and Friday 8th - 9th of April from 5-9 pm

We will answer your questions and inquiries on Zoom through the following links:

  1. Diabetes Mellitus Drugs Clinic:
  2. Hypertension and Heart Diseases Drugs Clinic:
  3. Asthma Drugs Clinic:
  4. Women’s Health Drugs Clinic:
  5. COVID-19 Vaccines Clinic:

اعرف دوائك، اعرف لقاحك

حملة توعویة إلكترونیة تقدمھا كلیة الصیدلة بالتعاون مع اتحاد طلبة الصیدلة بجامعة الفیصل ھدفھا تثقیف المجتمع بالاستخدام الأمثل للأدوية وتقدیم الحقائق المتعلقة بلقاحات فایروس كورونا

يومي الخميس والجمعة ٨ و٩ أبريل من الساعة ٥ م إلى ٩ م

نتشرف بالإجابة على اسئلتكم واستفساراتكم عبر برنامج زووم من خلال الروابط التالية:

  1. عيادة أدوية مرض السكري:
  2. عيادة أدوية الضغط وأمراض القلب
  3. عيادة أدوية مرض الربو:
  4. عيادة أدوية الأمراض النسائية:
  5. عيادة لقاحات فايروس الكورونا:

Department & Programs

Pharmaceutical Sciences

The department of pharmaceutical sciences is committed to educate and train pharmacy student in subjects focusing on the design, action, and disposition of drugs. This task dictates the establishment of basic knowledge in different disciplines; such as; calculus, general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular medicine,

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Pharmacy Practice

The Department of Pharmacy Practice is committed to develop excellence in the profession through integration of taught courses, and experiential education. Professional practice sessions in COP-Simulation lab will emphasize the practice of communication skills, prescription processing, and patient-centered care..

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Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy)

The curriculum of the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program at Alfaisal University is designed to systemically provide a solid foundation in the basic sciences on which to build upon, and integrate the pharmaceutical sciences, social/administrative/behavioral sciences, and clinical sciences.

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