Renal nerve stimulation as a potential electroceutical
therapy for obstructive sleep apnea
Natural Nootropics on Campus: Insights into Usage Patterns
and Influences Among Alfaisal University’s Medical and Pharmacy Students)

Clinical Characteristics And Outcomes Of Patients Newly
Diagnosed With Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Multicenter
Descriptive Cohort Study
Evaluation of Pharmaco-equivalence Properties
of Oral Lisinopril Dihydrate Tablets

Bioelectronic Neuromodulation Of The Renal
Nerves As A Novel Therapeutic Modality For
Hypertension Treatment

Efficacy and Safety of Omeprazole Continuous Infusion in Children
with Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Department & Programs

Pharmaceutical Sciences

The department of pharmaceutical sciences is committed to educate and train pharmacy student in subjects focusing on the design, action, and disposition of drugs. This task dictates the establishment of basic knowledge in different disciplines; such as; calculus, general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular medicine,

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Pharmacy Practice

The Department of Pharmacy Practice is committed to develop excellence in the profession through integration of taught courses, and experiential education. Professional practice sessions in COP-Simulation lab will emphasize the practice of communication skills, prescription processing, and patient-centered care..

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Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy)

The curriculum of the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program at Alfaisal University is designed to systemically provide a solid foundation in the basic sciences on which to build upon, and integrate the pharmaceutical sciences, social/administrative/behavioral sciences, and clinical sciences.

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